Function lookupThemeIcons

Iterate over all icons in icon themes. iconThemes is usually the range of the main theme and themes it inherits from.

auto auto lookupThemeIcons(alias subdirFilter, IconThemes, BaseDirs, Exts) (
  IconThemes iconThemes,
  BaseDirs searchIconDirs,
  Exts extensions
if (is(ElementType!IconThemes : const(IconThemeFile)) && is(ElementType!BaseDirs : string) && is(ElementType!Exts : string));


Usually if some icon was found in icon theme, it should be ignored in all subsequent themes, including sizes not presented in former theme. Use subdirFilter to filter icons by IconSubDir thus decreasing the number of searchable items and allocations.


Range of IconSearchResult.


iconThemes Icon themes to search icon in.
searchIconDirs Base icon directories.
extensions possible file extensions for icon files.


foreach(item; lookupThemeIcons!(subdir => subdir.context == "MimeTypes" && subdir.size >= 32)(iconThemes, baseIconDirs(), [".png", ".xpm"]))
    writefln("Icon file: %s. Context: %s. Size: %s", item.filePath, item.subdir.context, item.subdir.size);

See Also

baseIconDirs, lookupIcon, openBaseThemes