updateAssociations - multiple declarations

Function updateAssociations

Apply query for file with fileName. This should be mimeapps.list file. If file does not exist it will be created.

void updateAssociations (
  string fileName,
  scope ref const(AssociationUpdateQuery) query
) @trusted;


inilike.file.IniLikeReadException if errors occured duting reading of file. ErrnoException if errors occured during file writing.

Function updateAssociations

Apply query for writable mimeapps.list files.

void updateAssociations (
  scope ref const(AssociationUpdateQuery) query
) @safe;

For compatibility purposes this overwrites both $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mimeapps.list and $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications/mimeapps.list.

This function is Freedesktop only.

See Also



Since this library is in development this function should be used with care. Developer can't guarantee yet that it will not damage your file associations settings.