Struct ListMap

Container used internally by IniLikeFile and IniLikeGroup. Technically this is a list with optional value access by key.

struct ListMap(K, V, ulong chunkSize = 32) ;


addAfter Add value after some node in the list.
addBefore Add value before some node in the list.
append Add value at the end of list.
byEntry Iterate over nodes mapped to Entry elements (useful for testing).
byNode Iterate over list nodes.
getNode Get list node by key.
insertAfter Insert key-value pair after some node in the list.
insertBack Insert key-value pair to the back of list.
insertBefore Insert key-value pair before some node in the list.
insertFront Insert key-value pair to the front of list.
moveAfter Move node to the location after other node.
moveBefore Move node to the location before other node.
moveToBack Move node to the back of list.
moveToFront Move node to the front of list.
prepend Add value at the start of list.
remove Remove node from list. It also becomes unaccessible via key lookup.
remove Remove value by key.
removeBack Remove the last node.
removeFront Remove the first node.

Inner structs

Entry Mapping of Node to structure.
Node Represenation of list node.