API documentation

desktopfile.file Class representation of desktop file.
desktopfile.paths Getting applications paths where desktop files are stored.
desktopfile.utils Utility functions for reading and executing desktop files.
icontheme.cache This module provides class for loading and validating icon theme caches.
icontheme.file This module provides class for reading and accessing icon theme descriptions.
icontheme.lookup Lookup of icon themes and icons.
icontheme.paths Getting paths where icon themes and icons are stored.
inilike.common Common functions for dealing with entries in ini-like file.
inilike.exception Exception classes used in the library.
inilike.file Class representation of ini-like file.
inilike.range Parsing contents of ini-like files via range-based interface.
inilike.read Reading ini-like files without usage of IniLikeFile class.
mime.detectors.cache Detecting MIME type of file using MIME cache.
mime.files.aliases Parsing mime/aliases files.
mime.files.common Common code for modules that read shared MIME-info database files.
mime.files.globs Parsing mime/globs and mime/globs2 files.
mime.files.icons Parsing mime/icons and mime/generic-icons files.
mime.files.magic Parsing mime/magic files.
mime.files.namespaces Parsing mime/XMLnamespaces files.
mime.files.subclasses Parsing mime/subclasses files.
mime.files.treemagic Parsing mime/treemagic files.
mime.files.types Parsing mime/types files.
mime.stores.files MIME store implemented around reading of various files in mime/ subfolder.
mime.stores.subtypexml MIME store implemented around reading of various files in mime/ subfolder.
mime.cache Class for reading mime.cache files.
mime.common Common functions and constants to work with MIME types.
mime.database Access to Shared MIME-info database.
mime.detector MIME type detector interface. Implementers should be capable of detecting MIME type name by various properties including file name, file data and namespace uri.
mime.files Parsing various files of shared MIME-info database.
mime.glob Struct that represents a MIME glob pattern.
mime.inode inode/* MIME types.
mime.magic MIME magic rules object representation.
mime.paths Functions for building and retrieving paths to shared MIME database directories.
mime.store MIME type store interface. Implementers should be capable of returning requested MIME types if they exist.
mime.text Text utility functions.
mime.treemagic Treemagic rules object representation.
mime.type Struct that represents a MIME type.
mime.xml Functions for reading XML descriptions of MIME types.
desktopfile Reading, writing and executing .desktop file
icontheme Icon Theme Specification implementation.
inilike Reading and writing ini-like files used in some Unix systems and Freedesktop specifications.
mime Parsing and using shared MIME-info database.
mimeapps Finding associations between MIME types and applications.
xdgpaths Getting XDG base directories.