findExecutable - multiple declarations

Function findExecutable

Find executable by fileName in the paths.

string findExecutable(Paths, Exts) (
  string fileName,
  Paths paths,
  Exts extensions
if (isInputRange!Paths && is(ElementType!Paths : string) && isInputRange!Exts && is(ElementType!Exts : string));


Absolute path to the existing executable file or an empty string if not found.


fileName Name of executable to search. Should be base name or absolute path. Relative paths will not work. If it's an absolute path, this function does not try to append extensions.
paths Range of directories where executable should be searched.
extensions Range of extensions to append during searching if fileName does not have extension.


Currently it does not check if current user really have permission to execute the file on Windows.

See Also

binPaths, executableExtensions

Function findExecutable

ditto, but on Windows when fileName extension is omitted, executable extensions are appended during search.

string findExecutable(Paths) (
  string fileName,
  Paths paths
if (isInputRange!Paths && is(ElementType!Paths : string));

See Also

binPaths, executableExtensions

Function findExecutable

ditto, but searches in system paths, determined by PATH environment variable. On Windows when fileName extension is omitted, executable extensions are appended during search.

string findExecutable (
  string fileName
) nothrow @trusted;

See Also

binPaths, executableExtensions